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Knowing about the Organisation
© MyCVBuilder.Com - 16-Oct-04
Writing a CV is not just about putting together information on a piece of paper. It is important to know about the organisation you are sending your CV to. This is extremely important if you are planning to make a speculative job application. |
You must put your CV into a specific context it is not simply about gathering a lot of useful information about yourself to submit to a potential employer. Demonstrating that you have knowledge about the company and an understanding of the skills and experience it is looking for could be beneficial for your application. Companies are more likely to show an interest in you if you show an interest in them.
It is also important to understand that a similar job in different organisations could require different skills sets. Organisations vary in the way they are structured, particularly in terms of management structures. Some are centralised, whilst others are devolved. Some may have a high hierarchy of management levels, whilst others may have a relatively flat structure. All of these factors can impact on the nature, roles and responsibilities of the job itself.
You may decide after doing some initial research that you do not want to work for the company. There is no point in sending your CV and getting invited for a job in an organisation that you wouldnt feel suited to.
There are a number of ways to find information about your target company. If you are responding to an advertisement then examine the job advert to identify what it reveals about the organisation. Look for keywords to identify where the company is going e.g. words such expanding, ambitious, innovative; indicate a lively and rapid growing company.
Match the job advert to the wider market does it fit in? If it doesnt the company may not have thought about the job properly and could be confused about who they want. Look at other job adverts for a similar position in other organisations try to identify the differences and similarities. Is there something left out that you would expect to find?
Learn to read between the lines and get to the bottom of what the job advert is really saying. Examine the language and style used. You can pick up lots of clues about the culture of an organisation in an advert.
Besides job adverts, there are a number of sources available to find more information about your target company, such as: - Annual report and accounts
- Business directory
- Media and local press
- Trade and professional magazines
- Company website
- Recruitment agency
- Informal network such as family and friends
You should also ask yourself what type of organisation you want to work for. The knowledge you have built up about the company should then be compared to your personal preferences, which could be based on some of the following issues: - Size of company
- Ownership public, private, charity etc.
- Management structure and style
- Products and services provided
- Location
To summarise, the key point to understand is that you need to match your CV to the needs of an employer and to provide it with an appropriate context. You can do this effectively if you have some knowledge about your target employer. This can help round up and put the finishing touches to your CV.