What to do before, during and after the Interview
© VirtualVille - 08-Nov-04
Interviews have to be prepared for. You must not attend an interview with little or no prepration, otherwise you are wasting your time. Here you will learn the most important during, before and after do's and don'ts of Interviews. |
What you should do Before the interview: - Research the company.Research the company with whom you are interviewing. Nothing impresses an interviewer more than a candidate that knows about the company. It shows that you have initiative.
- Be punctual.Get there on time. The importance of punctuality can not be stressed enough. Plan to arrive about 15 minutes early. It shows your regard for the interviewer's time. If you have to wait, use the time to go over your notes.
- Dress Professionally.It shows that you cared enough about the interviewer and the company to present yourself in a professional manner. In today's work place, most companies do not have a strict code. So if you are one who hates pantyhose or a shirt and tie, relax. This may be the only time you have to do so.
- Practice. Practice. Practice.Practice makes perfect. All the information that you would have obtained about successful interviewing would be wasted if you do not practice. You can know all the questions the interviewer will ask but if you do not practice, it would be as if you di d not. Have a friend go over the questions with you until you are able to answer them promptly without stuttering.
What you should do During the interview: - Give the interviewer a firm handshake.Give the interviewer a firm handshake, even if the interviewer is a woman and you are man. Nobody likes a limp handshake but by the same token do not take the person's hand off either. While shaking, introduce yourself keeping eye contact at all times .
- Smile.Nothing is worse than an interviewee who looks depressed or indifferent. Would you want to work with someone who is always depressed?
- Maintain Eye Contact at all times.You are confident about yourself and your capabilities. Relay that. Do not stare out of the window or fiddle with your pencil. The interviewer is talking to you or you to him. Be attentive.
- Speak Clearly.Do not mumble your words. It portrays a lack of confidence.
- Respond to your interviewer.If he makes a joke, smile to acknowledge that he made one, even if it was not funny.
- Listen before you answer questions.Make sure you have understood the question. If you do not, ask him to clarify it. Take a second, then answer.
- Give brief answers.Answer promptly and intelligently. However, when asked yes or no questions, elaborate.
- Complete the application thoroughly.For salary requirements put negotiable, unless specified not to do so. Then put the salary range for your profession with your experience.
- Ask the interviewer questions.Even if he does not ask you "Do you have any questions," ask him anyway.
- Thank the interviewer.Be sure to thank the interviewer for his time.
What you should do After the interview: - Thank the interviewer in writing.Send the interviewer a formal thank you.
What you should not do at all:
It may be obvious to some, that most of the things you should not do are the opposite of what you should. However, some people need reinforcing. - Be dishonest.If an employer asks "Do you know about ....? and you do not, say No. If you say yes, the next question is almost always "Tell me about it."
- Chew gum during the interview.It's tacky and inappropriate. I would recommend that you do not before the interview either. You may forget to remove it.
- Smoke.Do not smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette.
- Refuse a job offer in the interview.Don't ever refuse a job offer until you have had the time to think about it. It may be the only one you get.
- Ramble.Make sure your answers are short and to the point.