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Dealing with Weaknesses on Your CV
© MyCVBuilder.Com - 16-Oct-04

In preparing a CV you should have undertaken an audit to identify suitable skills, knowledge and experience that you have gained and which could be of value to a potential employer. However, alongside your strengths, you also need to appreciate any weaknesses that you may have.

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Covering Letters
Top 10 Strategies for Writing Winning Cover Letters
Make it easy for someone to understand "who" you are. Are you a sales representative, actuary, nurse, college professor, customer service agent, or architect? Be sure to clearly communicate that information at the beginning of your cover letter.
Twenty-five tips for a pleasing cover letter
When you put together a resume, you can work with just phrases, clauses, and lists. The common writing dangers are misspellings, errors with capital letters and wordy phrases.
How To Write A Powerful Covering Letter To Win Interviews Every Time!
Most people forget that the covering letter is the introduction to the CV or resume, and not the other way round. The covering letter has just as much importance and potential impact upon an employer's decision to interview, as the CV or resume itself.
CVs and Resumes
Identifying your transferable skills as part of your CV writing strategy
Transferable Skills are non-job specific skills which can be used in different occupations. You may have developed them through course work, jobs, volunteering, or just plain life experience. By communicating your transferable skills effectively, you can enhance your marketability and open yourself up to a larger sector of the job market.
Dealing with Weaknesses on Your CV
In preparing a CV you should have undertaken an audit to identify suitable skills, knowledge and experience that you have gained and which could be of value to a potential employer. However, alongside your strengths, you also need to appreciate any weaknesses that you may have.
What CV Format Should You Use When Applying For a Job?
Each basic CV format has its advantages and disadvantages. You must decide what works best for you in your particular circumstances. The pros and cons of each basic approach as outlined in this article should give you some guidance as to which approach may be more appropriate.
The Key to Writing Effective and Attention Grabbing Profiles
A personal profile is short paragraph at the beginning of a CV summarising your main selling points. This part of a CV summarises the most important skills, knowledge, experience and aptitudes you have to offer a potential employer.
12 Things You Don't Want to Include in Your CV or Resume!
As your CV forms the basis for your interview you should ensure that it only contain positive information about you.
The Technique of Strategically Embedding Keywords in CVs and Resumes
With the advancement of technology and the use of databases to store candidate CVs and resumes, employers are increasingly depending upon keywords to find suitable job candidates. The Internet has made the hiring process a lot easier for employers and recruiters who upon receiving CVs and resumes, simply dump them into their growing database. Keyword searching for relevant phrases or skills can then be performed to find an initial pool of prospects...
Gain a Strong Competitive Edge by With Powerful Achievement Statements
In the recruitment process, there are several stages before the employer chooses a candidate. Before the final stage, which is the stage of interviewing, there are usually from 2 to up to 15-20 candidates who might be shortlisted. These candidates will have been shortlisted from a larger list because their CVs or resumes stood out and provided them with a competitive edge over other candidates.
The Four Types of Information Vital for Every CV and Resume
Every single employer requires his or her employees to be equipped with the right balance of skills to function at maximum efficiency within the organisation. These skills are placed into four main categories.
Four Steps a Recruiter Takes to Trash CVs and Resumes
Having 200-300 CVs or resumes to analyse, a tight schedule, and probably working late, an employer's or recruiting manager's approach is to scan the huge pile quickly and look for any little reason to trash your CV or resume. Learn how to avoid your CV or resume being trashed and how to almost guarantee that it gets noticed and shortlisted.
Employers and Employment
Some Questions to Guide You in Company Research
These are some important questions that you need to ask when you consider companies for job applications. It is an important step to have an appreciation of nature and future of the company that you want to work in.
How to Love the Job You Hate
Whether your complaint is a bad boss, too much bureaucracy, office politics, boring work, or all of the above, you don't have to suffer in silence (or not so silently). You can take steps to improve your situation, even if you can't afford to leave. Once you begin intervening on your own behalf, you'll start feeling less like a victim of circumstance and more like a professional with influence and control over your own destiny. Use the following strategy to help move your thinking in the right direction.
Bad Attitude at Work and How to Fix It!
Having bad attitudes at work can make life very daunting and difficult. Bad attitudes are often the cause and reason for conflict and lack of team bonding. Check out the most common bad attitudes and some quick on the spot fixes to get rid of them.
Knowing about the Organisation
Writing a CV is not just about putting together information on a piece of paper. It is important to know about the organisation you are sending your CV to. This is extremely important if you are planning to make a speculative job application.
Seize the Opportunity and the Job In The Interview - Four Essential Tips
So, youve submitted a killer Curriculum Vitae and supporting documents. Youre ahead of the pack and have just received a call for an interview. What do you do next? The interview is the most stressful and important part of job hunting. This is where the employers make a decision based on his or her impression of whether to hire you for their job.
What to do before, during and after the Interview
Interviews have to be prepared for. You must not attend an interview with little or no prepration, otherwise you are wasting your time. Here you will learn the most important during, before and after do's and don'ts of Interviews.
Common Interview Questions
A list of the most common interview questions. By familiarising yourself with these questions and having appropriate answers prepared, you can sit the interview with greater confidence.
Job Interviewing Guide
Let's walk through the interview process. If you follow these simple steps, you'll gain confidence, poise and maybe your target job.
Telephone Interviews
Many employers conduct telephone interviews to screen candidates for basic qualifications. It is also an alternative when it is not practical to invite an out-of-area candidate to the office.
Job Searching
Job Searching Tips and Determing Your Own Career Directions
Identify what really interests and excites you. Understand that these traits define you and use it to explore career choices and opportunities.
Four Tips For Entry Level Job Seekers
For most people, aiming for a higher position at once is the key to job search success. However, for some people who know that in order to succeed in the job market, they have to, literally, start from scratch.
Two Must-know Tips on Executive Job Search
It is normal for every person to strive for career advancement and growth. It makes them feel that all of their hard work has paid off and that a promotion is, indeed, the best reward they can get. However, for some whose luck seems to be so illusive, they have to find their own growth somewhere else. That is why most of them opted for executive job searches, where they hope that someday they would be lucky enough to find the executive job that they have long been dreaming for.
Why Effective Job Descriptions Make Good Business Sense
Most neophyte workers or even freshly graduated members of the workforce will jump into jobs without knowing their job descriptions. This practice is understandable. Many of these fresh graduates are just glad to have gotten a job and will try to avoid being to nosy or pushy when it comes to work. They may think that demanding a job description will be an added negative to their employers impression of them.
Who is Recruiting You?
The word recruiter refers to any professional who plays a role in bringing candidates to a hiring manager or company's attention. It is the recruiter's job to screen candidates, and the hiring body selects candidates.
Success in Your Career
Rules of Etiquette for Electronic Job Seeking
Electronic job seeking has its etiquette. Abiding by it will help to maintain a professional image and will make the employer look upon you positively. These are some guidelines you should adhere to to maintain good electronic job seeking etiquette.
Take a Positive Approach to Overcome a Career Slump
Career plateaus have become more common as companies continue to eliminate middle management jobs. Making matters worse, there are millions of qualified baby boomers out there, all trying to grab and keep the same scarce advanced positions.
Communication is Key in Working with Your Supervisor
Cooperating with your boss will advance your career and make your work experience more pleasant. He or she makes the decisions about your work and what you do. Your supervisor should communicate with you regularly about your job performance and provide coaching techniques, periodic encouragement and suggestions to improve your work.

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